Covid-19 Protocol
In order to ensure the health and safety of staff and clients, COVID-19 protocols will be inplemented according to Ontario Ministry of Health guidelines. *Updated Feb 8, 2023*

1. All clients are asked to self-monitor for any symptoms.
2. If you are exhibiting any of the following symptoms (fever, coughing, sore throat or flu-like symptoms) or if anyone in your household is positive for Covid-19, kindly notify the clinic so your appointment can be rescheduled.
3. I will be wearing a KN95 mask during treatments to protect myself and my patients. Masks are not currently mandatory at the clinic but it is highly recommended that they be worn to protect the health of our medically fragile, senior and pregnant clients.
4. Clients are asked to come on their own unless it is absolutely necessary to bring someone with them.
5. Treatment rooms are sanitized according to COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control for Regulated Health Professionals Guidelines.